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Prepare for a role as an executive assistant and be ready to take the Certified Administrative Professional (CAP) and Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Associate Certification exams. Exam fees included in course.
Gain key skills needed to work as an office manager. By course completion, you will have an in-depth understanding of Microsoft Office, QuickBooks Online, and business management techniques.
Many large estates rely on household managers to oversee the home and other staff. Training to become a household manager with a specialty in executive housekeeping will prepare you for career advancement in the private service industry.
This course will help prepare you for a technical writing manager position. You will also gain a broad skill set of both technical communication skills and MBA-level business management strategies.
Learn the dynamics of a strengths-based system for changing addictive behavior through a process of reconnecting to one's joyful identity and work toward helping others overcome and break the cycle of addiction.
Mejore sus habilidades en inglés y su dominio laboral mientras se capacita para convertirse en técnico de atención al paciente (PCT). Prepárese para certificaciones reconocidas en la industria, como el examen de certificación de Técnico certificado en atención al paciente (CPCT) a través de la NHA o para la certificación de Técnico en atención al paciente (PCTC) a través de AMCA.
Success in the healthcare field requires a solid comprehension of medical terminology. This online course will teach you the language used to describe the human body and prepare you for future success in related career training courses in the healthcare space.
Train to become a travel industry professional in this flexible online course.
Learn to prepare individual tax returns for almost all U.S. taxpayers! With this innovative course, you can start working and earning money while completing your course work.
Learn the basics of payroll and prepare to take the Fundamental Payroll Certification exam, developed by PayrollOrg, the most widely recognized payroll organization in the U.S.
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